
I am a sound designer with a keen interest in sound and spatial sound research. I have experience designing sound for theatre, dance and film, and since 2002 I have collaborated with a number of respected artists and interpreters within the electro-acoustic music domain.
In 2008 I attended the tonmeister course with Bryan Wolf, at the Stockhausen Foundation for Music in Kürten, Germany, gaining first-hand experience in the necessary performance practice details of Stockhausens' major electro-acoustic works. Notable performances include the sound projection for KONTAKTE and SYNTHI-FOU at the Melbourne Recital Centres’ Elisabeth Murdoch Hall, OKTOPHONIE and KONTAKTE at the Brisbane Powerhouse museum and sound engineering and programming for Gérard Griseys’ seminal work, Le Noir de L’Etoile at Deakin Edge with Speak Percussion as part of the Melbourne international Arts Festival in 2013.
In 2013 I completed my Masters candidature at RMIT in the School of Architecture and Design. My research explored spatial sound design methods and techniques, focusing on a compositional strategy for spatialising sound over a multichannel sound system.